Palm Sunday
April, 8 2022
Hannah DeVivo
I would like to share an excerpt from our book "The First Easter" with our readers;
Jesus said to His apostles, "It is time for us to go to Jerusalem. The Feast of the Passover is near."
Jesus called two of His disciples. He said to them, "Go into the nearby village. There you will find
a donkey tied up, that no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here to Me."
The two disciples found the donkey and brought it to Jesus. The disciples covered the donkey with their cloaks.
Then they helped Jesus to mount the donkey. As Jesus and His disciples headed into Jerusalem,
a great crowd that had come to the feast heard that He was coming. They were very excited and went out to meet Jesus.
Some of the people laid their cloaks and clothes on the ground where Jesus was passing.
Others cut down palm branches to lay before Him.
As Jesus drew near, His disciples and the crowd began to praise God joyfully.
Many of them waved palm and olive branches as Jesus passed by.
Together they cried out,
Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!
Peace in heaven and glory in the highest."
Some of the Pharisees and the religious leaders in the crowd said to Jesus,
"Teacher, rebuke Your disciples. Tell them to stop blessing You!"
Jesus replied, "I tell you, if they keep silent, the very stones will cry out!"
All the disciples and the people entered Jerusalem with great joy. Jesus went into the temple area.
To read more
We recommend our excellent Easter book: "The First Easter" [#G1005]. This hardcover book features Michael Adams's beautiful art to go with the stories.
What caused God to send His beloved Son to live among us, die for us, and be raised from the dead? Children ages 5-9 will meet Jesus at His baptism in the Jordan River, go with Him into the desert to be tested by the devil, and then see Him preach the Good News, heal the sick, and drive out demons. They will cheer with the crowds as Jesus enters Jerusalem to the shouts of Hosanna and the waving of palm branches, and they will sit near Him at the Last Supper. What was it like to pray with Jesus in Gethsemane, walk with Him on the way of the cross, or wait with the women on the third day? As children relive the astonishing story of Jesus' sacrifice for us, they will discover how He gave us the power of His Holy Spirit.