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Fun Easter Activities

Fun Easter Activities

Posted by Hannah DeVivo on Apr 8th 2022

fun easter activites

April 8, 2022
Author: Hannah DeVivo

Peace be with you!

Easter Sunday is rapidly approaching. There are many fun Easter activities out there for kids, so let's talk about some that can help to deepen your children's understanding and love for their faith!

Easter Resurrection Rolls!

These treats are so easy to make with children. They are super fun and delicious. You can see how this fun and interactive recipe teaches children the true meaning of Easter (Recipe credit to YummyHealthyEasy recipe)!

  1. You begin by getting biscuit dough, large marshmallows, water, cinnamon, and sugar.
  2. Have each person roll out some biscuit dough and explain that this represents the burial cloth that Jesus was wrapped in.
  3. Take a marshmallow and show that it represents the body of Christ. He is pure and without blemish, like the white marshmallow.
  4. Dip the marshmallow in water to represent the embalming oil used before burial.
  5. Then, sprinkle the marshmallow with cinnamon and sugar which are like the spices used to prepare the body.
  6. After the marshmallow has been sprinkled with the spices, place it in the biscuit dough and roll it up, making sure to pinch the dough tightly.
  7. After all the biscuits have been rolled up and are ready to go, place them on a cooking sheet and bake them in the oven.
  8. When the biscuits are cooked, cooled, and ready to eat, have your children open their biscuits to see that the body of Jesus is gone! He has risen!!

We used to make these when I was little, and it was always such a fun surprise to see that the marshmallow had disappeared!

Baking Soft Pretzels

I spoke about making pretzels on Good Friday in one of my previous blog posts. The symbol of the pretzels being connected to our faith is the shape.

The monk who invented the pretzels shaped the dough into little arms crossed in prayer. Making pretzels with your family is such a fun activity fit for any age! Everyone can have a little bit of dough and make their own shapes! After making plenty in the traditional way of little folded arms, you can get creative and make crosses, "J" for Jesus, fish, or any other shape you can think of that reminds you of God!

large soft pretzel on a napkin - autom

Passion and Resurrection Coloring Pages

Coloring pages may seem like a pretty obvious and maybe even a boring activity, but is a really effective, low-cost, and easy way to connect with your kids and also teaching them at the same time! We have quite a few color-your-own products that also have great descriptions to help you start a conversation with your children about the beauty and meaning of this Season.

child using crayon to color image - autom

Easter Story Stones Set

We have a wonderful set of 8 stones with pictures on them that correlate with the story of Easter. They come in a convenient canvas bag, so they are easy to store and keep! The Jewish people would use stones to mark significant events in their history as the people of God. They also come with a little card explaining the images:

Jesus entered Jerusalem, on a donkey.
The people waved palm branches,shouting,
"Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!"
One of Jesus' apostles, Judas, agreed to hand Jesus over to the temple priests for thirty pieces of silver.
At the Passover Meal that week, Jesus blessed bread and wine and gave it to His disciples.
He said, "This is My Body. This is My Blood.
Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, where soldiers came to arrest Him.
The soldiers scourged Jesus and placed a crown of thorns on His head.
Jesus carried the cross to Calvary, where He was nailed to the cross.
Alter 3 hours of agony, Jesus died on the cross.
Three days later, Jesus rose from the dead!

eight assorted stones depicting Easter images - autom

Before You Go

I hope you will enjoy these fun activities with your family! Here are some questions for you;

Do you have any fun Easter traditions that help your kids connect with their faith?
Have you tried any of these activities before?
Have you learned anything new in this article?

I would LOVE to hear from you. Send me an email to
I wish you all a beautiful and penitential Lent! May you feel God's presence more intimately than ever before and follow Him more trustingly. Be sure to follow and subscribe to the links below for more tips and information.