Family Prayer Table

July 8, 2022
Author: Hannah DeVivo

What is a Family Prayer Table?

Peace be with you! Today we will be talking about home altars, otherwise known as prayer tables. A family prayer table is a place where the whole family can gather to say prayers together. It’s a special area dedicated to God and communion with one another.

The Importance of Praying as a Family

Mother Teresa once said “The family that prays together stays together, and if they stay together, they will love one another as God has loved each one of them. And works of love are always works of peace”. There are many wonderful things that strengthen the bond of a family, but nothing can strengthen a family like the power of God. When we pray together to Him, we have the opportunity to open up the deepest and most intimate parts of our hearts. We can bring prayers of Thanksgiving: joy and celebration. We can bring our tears, worries, grief and pain too. When we share those thoughts in front of the ones we love and see them lift us up in prayer, it creates and strengthens a bond like no other.

Things to Consider when Making an Altar of Your Own

One of the first things to think about is the location. Initially you may not think there is any room in your already-full home. However, you may be surprised at how little room you need. When I became the mother in my own family, we used the top of our bookcase. I have a friend who was searching everywhere in her home, and found a little nook in the wall with just enough room for a Bible and some Holy art. The prayer table doesn’t have to be big-as long as you and your family can gather around it to worship.

After finding the right place for your altar, you may wonder what to put on it. I will list a few examples below, but keep in mind that the possibilities are endless!

  • The Bible. If there is room for only one thing, I highly recommend having it be your family’s Bible. The Word of God carries everything we need. Gathering around wisdom, hope, promises, unconditional love, and more is really at the heart of what we all need.
  • Candles. You can choose to have a candle that burns perpetually, or one that is lit each night. We have used both. I will say, having one that is lit afresh each night can be great fun for little children. I first learned to use a match when it was my turn to light the Advent candles on our family prayer table. When lighting the candle, we always say “Jesus is the light of the world”. Having a candle reminds us of just that- there is light in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it. When we gather to bring our prayers and petitions to God, we remember how powerful He is and call to mind the light He brings to the world and our lives.
  • A Crucifix. Having a crucifix on your prayer table is a beautiful reminder of the love God has for us. Whatever problems or worries that we bring to Him, we can be assured that there is nothing to big or small. There is nothing He wouldn’t do to help or save us.
  • Rosaries. Having a dish of rosaries on the prayer table is an excellent way to make sure that everyone Is ready for prayers. It eliminates the need to go hunting around the house to make sure that each member of your family has one. It’s also great to store them in one place so that if someone needs or wants a rosary at any time, they know exactly where to find them. It can be very special for each person to have their own rosary, but I also encourage you to keep extras. That way, if someone is at your home or joining you for prayer, they won’t have to go without one.
  • Images of Jesus, Mary, and the Saints. Adorning your altar with Holy images is a beautiful idea. It always gives me hope to look at the God I admire along with the Holy men and women who inspire me to take up my daily cross and follow where He leads me.
  • Flowers. I love keeping fresh flowers on our prayer altar. We usually consider them as a gift for Mary. Their beauty brings peace to our hearts and a smile to our faces. They remind me that prayers don’t just need to be for necessities. God is lavish with His gifts. He encouraged us to knock and the door will be opened unto us-to seek and we shall find. We can and should ask for the desires of our hearts, no matter how seemingly small. The flowers also remind me of the Bible passage in Matthew 6:28-30 “Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wild flowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will he not much more provide for you, O you of little faith?”.God is the creator of beauty and our desire to be surrounded by it comes from Him.
  • Pictures of Loved Ones, or Those Needing Prayer. If you’re anything like me, you sometimes lose track of those that you have promised to pray for. Growing up, our family prayer table always had pictures of those we loved and kept in our prayers. I also remember distinctly that my parents would place pictures of government officials or leaders whom they disagreed with on the prayer table. They taught us that it was important to pray for all of God’s children equally, especially those who have the authority to make important decisions.

Before You Go

Did you grow up with a prayer table?

Do you currently have an altar or prayer table?

Have you learned anything new in this article?

I would LOVE to hear from you. Send me an email to Catholic-Living@Autom.comBe sure to follow and subscribe to the links below for more tips and information.