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Mary, Star of the Sea

Mary, Star of the Sea

Posted by Hannah DeVivo on Aug 12th 2022

August 12, 2022
Author: Hannah DeVivo

Peace be with you!

Today, let us reflect upon a title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary: Stella Maris, translated as “Star of the Sea”

Why do We Call Mary Stella Maris?

The title “Stella Maris” originated from a transcription error. Eusebius interpreted the Hebrew name for Mary: Maryam as mar-yam (drop of the sea). Later, St. Jerome translated the name to Latin: Stilla Maris, and later still, a copyist changed it to Stella Maris (star of the sea). It may have started out as a linguistic error, but this title of Mary could not be more fitting. This title has taken on a twofold meaning for who Mary is and the beautiful role She plays in our sanctification.

One interpretation of this is that Mary is to the world as a star is to sailors. She guides us through the rough waters and storms of life, leading us to Her Son. This is a lovely and comforting image. Mary has the ability to calmly and securely lead us to Jesus. As our mother, she is always here for us. She longs for our redemption and wants us to experience the true joys and blessings of unification with the Lord. Just like a mother, Mary is not only gentle but powerful. The devil himself hates and fears her, for he knows that She will crush his head and ultimately take his place in Heaven.

Another interpretation keeps the original meaning: drop of the sea. This reflection of Mary helps us to ponder in awe that God chose a simple young woman, a drop in the ocean, to bring forth a Savior of the world. This is an encouraging image as well. It reminds us that none of us are expendable in the great and wonderful plan of God; we all have a purpose and a part to play. Not a single one of us is too small or insignificant to make a change. We are all drops united together in the sea of eternity. May we continue to pray for the wisdom and strength to live out what our Creator has called us to do.

Devotion to Stella Maris and Patroness of Sailors

Our Lady, Star of the Sea is the patroness of sailors. She is looked to in reverence and love for the protection, good health, and thanksgiving of all seafarers. In fact, under the devotion of Stella Maris is an agency of the Catholic Church that began in the 1890’s. “The Apostleship of the Sea is a Catholic agency that offers practical and pastoral care to all seafarers, regardless of nationality, belief or race. The Apostleship of the Sea in Great Britain is part of an international network known to the maritime world as Stella Maris, working in more than 311 ports served by 216 port chaplains in more than 30 countries around the world.”

“In every major country, a bishop serves as the AOS episcopal promoter, overseeing the work of the national director. It is the director's responsibility to coordinate the chaplains’ efforts and to assist them in developing their ministries. Each country hosts an annual conference. Tying all these national conferences together is the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People. Because the Apostleship of the Sea's “parishioners” move around the world, it is necessary that their pastors be in touch with one another. The World Congress held every five years, mandated by the Apostolatus Maris (Apostleship of the Sea) office, ensures this connection between countries and disseminates the pontifical council's policies.”

Ave Maris Stella- Hail Star of the Sea

The Ave Maris Stella is a beautiful devotional hymn for Mary, Star of the Sea. According to tradition, Our Blessed Mother instructed St. Bridget to sing it as a group and She would protect them from every danger.

Ave Maris Stella

Hail, O Star Of The Ocean, God’s Own Mother Blest,

Ever Sinless Virgin, Gate Of Heav’nly Rest.

Taking That Sweet Ave, Which From Gabriel Came,

Peace Confirm Within Us, Changing Eve’s Name.

Break The Sinners’ Fetters, Make Our Blindness Day,

Chase All Evils From Us, For All Blessings Pray.

Show Thyself A Mother, May The Word Divine

Born For Us Thine Infant Hear Our Prayers Through Thine.

Virgin All Excelling, Mildest Of The Mild,

Free From Guilt Preserve Us Meek And Undefiled.

Keep Our Life All Spotless, Make Our Way Secure

Till We Find In Jesus, Joy For Evermore.

Praise To God The Father, Honor To The Son,

In The Holy Spirit, Be The Glory One. Amen.

We have a beautiful medal devoted to Our Lady, Star of the Sea available for purchase here.

Before You Go

Have you ever heard Mary referred to as Star of the Sea?

Do you feel Mary guiding you to Jesus, as a star guides a ship through rough waters?

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