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Homeless Jesus Laminated Holy Card - 25/pk

ITEM: 800-1019

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Laminated Cardstock
2-5/8 x 4-3/8" H
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Laminated Cardstock
2-5/8 x 4-3/8" H

This laminated holy card from Gerffert® features a beautiful Catholic image on the front with a distinctive gold foil stamping design around the edge. It includes a prayer on the back and crystal-clear laminating for durability.

Prayer on back:
A Prayer for the Homeless
Foxes have dens and birds of the sky have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to rest his head." -Matthew 8:20
Dear Heavenly Father, out of love You sent Your Son from the glory of heaven. He did not cling to His exalted position, but emptied Himself to become one of us. At 30, He left the warmth and security of hearth and home to preach the Good News to the poor, heal the sick, and bring salvation to all who would accept Him. Due to hostile authorities, He lived in deserted places, with "nowhere to lay his head." O Jesus, You told us, "Truly I tell you, whatever you do for the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you do for me." Help us to reach out and give to those who ask us whatever we can - be it our time, talent, or treasure. We ask this in Your Name and for Your sake. Amen.